The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a voluntary, non-political, educational, movement for young students, open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed, which helps the young people to achieve their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of the local, National and International communities. Bunny scheme is the entry point for Scouts & Guides designed for the ages 3 to 6.It also acts as a feeder programme for Cubs & Bulbuls.
Cubs and bulbuls is the next lap in the journey towards scouting and guiding after Bunny. Character building is its aim. Instilling self – discipline and thoughtfulness for others, at a tender age, is the major focus, of the activities designed for this group. It prepares the boys and girls to take up bigger tasks in scouting and guiding and also helps in their mental and physical growth. Children learn to be independent and to live life in a disciplined manner. Students of standard II – V can join this movement.
The school has a fully functional Cubs&Bulbuls movement that draws its members from grade 2 to 5. Activities are conducted once a week. The movement has 69 students on the roll as on today. Mrs. Sridevi leads the girl’s team as a Flock Leader and Mrs.Saranya heads the boy’s team as a Cub Master.
Santhanam Vidhyalaya Vidyaganapathy Nagar, St. Antoniyar Kovil Street, EB Road, Tiruchirappalli – 620 008
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